Article Published in The Catholic Voice, September 19, 2016
Anna Victoria Serbin SSRP Alumni 2017
Anna Victoria Serbin was selected for the 2016 CHORI (Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute) summer research internship. She was one of 12 students selected from a very competitive pool of more than 1,000 applicants.
During the paid summer internship, Anna Victoria carried out a full-time stem cell research project under the supervision of a mentor at Children’s Hospital of Oakland. Each intern posted about their studies in the lab, symposiums, and the experience of being an intern on a special Instagram account (see @cirm_stemcells and #cirmsparklab).
At the end of the internship, Anna Victoria presented at two symposiums, the CHORI Summer Research Symposium 2016 and the CIRM SPARK 2016 Meeting where she received additional awards at both symposiums.
She said, “Spending my summer interning at CHORI was unforgettable. I learned so much in such a brief period of time, an experience that I will bring with me in my academic career and beyond. With my mentors Dr. Kuypers and Sandra Larkin, MS, we tested the effect of potential anti- sickling drug compounds in both normal and sickled human and mice hemoglobin to observe shifts in oxygen affinity and changes in the red blood cells. Looking back at what I learned, I can confidently say that I see myself in the science field, helping others attain better health.”
Partical Article, reprinted with permission of: The Catholic Voice, Oakland, CA